We are sorry things are not working as expected while using your Plugable TBT4-HUB3C hub, and we would be happy to help.
In our experience helping others, we have found that most unexpected behavior can be resolved by checking the following items. If the information provided below does not help resolve the issue, please reach out to us directly via support@plugable.com and we will be happy to assist you further.
1. Can you please confirm that you are using only the 0.8 meter long 40Gbps Thunderbolt 4 cable that Plugable originally included in the box with the TBT4-HUB3C hub in order to connect the hub to your computer?
We ask because other cables can sometimes cause problems.
The Plugable Thunderbolt 4 cable has a small white cable 'flag' attached to it that provides the cable specifications on one side and the product model on the opposite side, and we have included inline below photos of both sides of the label for your reference:
2. Can you please confirm that the original Plugable Thunderbolt 4 cable is connected to the single Thunderbolt 4 host connection port located on the front of the TBT4-HUB3C hub?
We ask because if the cable is connected to any other port the hub will not work as expected.
For your reference, we have included inline below a photo of the hub with the Thunderbolt 4 host connection port highlighted in red:
3. For your reference, under ideal conditions when the TBT4-HUB3C is connected to a working power outlet there will be a solid white power indicator light located on the front of the unit.
When the TBT4-HUB3C is connected to a compatible host computer, the indicator light will change from white in color to green in color.
If the hub is not powering on or indicating a connection to the host computer, please check the following:
A. That the included power adapter is securely connected to the hubs’ power input port (the hub will not work if the power adapter is not connected)
B. That the power cable is securely connected to the power adapter
C. That the power cable is securely connected to the electrical power outlet
If the hub is powered on (white light present) but is not being detected by the host computer, please check the following:
D. That the Thunderbolt 4 cable is connected to the single Thunderbolt 4 host connection port located on the front of the hub (as described in checklist item #2 above).
E. That the Thunderbolt 4 cable is securely connected to a Thunderbolt 4 port within the host computer.