If the USBC-PDMON is not working as expected upon initial setup, please check the following:
A. Ensure that you are using only the USB Type-C cable that Plugable included in the box with the monitor in order to connect it to the host device. This is important because not all cables with USB Type-C connectors support video output
B. Ensure that the USB Type-C cable is connected to a port within the host device that supports USB Type-C video output
C. Ensure that the host device’s USB Type-C port can provide up to 15W of power. If your devices does not support 15W power output from its USB-C port, it may be necessary to connect a USB-C power supply to the PD pass-through USB-C port to power the display
D. Ensure that the USB Type-C cable is connected to the single USB Type-C Host port within the display. This port has a small icon of a laptop printed above it: