My Plugable product with wired Ethernet is no longer working on macOS. What can I do?

Last Update: July 27th, 2024
Article ID: 1495581

Please Note

The below guide is an advanced troubleshooting step, and we do not recommend doing so unless you are comfortable manually altering files on your Apple product running macOS. You may not be able to perform the below troubleshooting step if you are unable to execute administrative credentials on your laptop. Please reach out to our support first if you do not wish to attempt the below instructions. You can do so at

How to delete a specific Ethernet adapter from your Network devices on macOS

  1. Click on the Apple logo in the top left corner of your primary monitor, and select ‘System Preferences’
  2. Next select ‘Network’ in the ‘System Preferences' window.
  3. In the now visible list, please select the Plugable Ethernet, or Thunderbolt Ethernet device that may not be working as expected.
  4. Once selected click on the minus button in the bottom left of the network window.
  5. Click on Apply in the bottom right.
  6. Next click on the plus button in the bottom left of the network window, and add the previously removed device.
  7. Click on Apply in the bottom right.
  8. Test to see if this has resolved the unexpected behavior, and assure that your Ethernet is now working.
  9. If this does not resolve the problem, please proceed to the next section (As noted previously the next section is for advanced users only!)

Manually erase your macOS Network Settings to fully reset the Network configuration

(Advanced! Click to reveal)



This will fully erase all of your Network configuration! Do not skip any steps, and proceed only if you are comfortable with each step!

  1. Open the ‘Finder’ app, then in the ‘Go’ menu at the top of your screen select ‘Computer’
  2. Click on ‘Macintosh HD’ then Library, Preferences, SystemConfiguration
  3. Copy the file named ‘NetworkInterfaces.plist’ to your desktop as a backup of your current configuration.
  4. Delete the original version of the ‘NetworkInterfaces.plist’ located in the SystemConfiguration directory.
  5. Restart your Mac
  6. Login to your Mac, and return to System Preferences → Network
  7. If the list is now empty, please re-add the Plugable or Thunderbolt network adapter by clicking on the plus button in the bottom left of the Network window. Once done click on 'Apply'.
  8. Test to see if this has resolved the unexpected network behavior

I am still unable to get my Ethernet connection working on my Mac

If this is the case please reach out to our support team. When you do please include a diagnostic log gathered using our PlugDebug tool (instructions are provided on the PlugDebug page). If you are not able to gather the PlugDebug diagnostics do not worry we are still here to help! Please reach out to our support team at or with a detailed description of your problem, and the model of Plugable product you are using.