Does my DisplayLink-based product support color adjustment such as Night Light or Night Shift via the host operating system?

Last Update: July 27th, 2024
Article ID: 704081

Modern operating systems support adjusting the color of the image shown within external displays in order to make the image more pleasing depending upon the time of the day.

In Windows 10 and Windows 11, this feature is known as ‘Night Light’ →

In ChromeOS, this feature is also known as ‘Night Light’ →

In macOS, this feature is known as ‘Night Shift’ →

When using a DisplayLink-based product based on the DL-3xxx, DL-5xxx, or DL-6xxx chipsets, as of today the level of support for color adjustment is as follows:

Operating System Color adjustment feature name Level of support when using DisplayLink-based product

Windows 10 & 11

Night Light

- Supported when using DisplayLink driver version 10.3 M0 or newer

- The 3rd-party utility f.lux also has native support for DisplayLink-based devices

ChromeOS (version 100 or newer)
Night Light
macOS 11, 12, 13
Night Shift

- Not Supported

- Experimental support for color adjustment via the 3rd-party utility f.lux is available when using DisplayLink Manager version 1.8.0***

*** More information about this feature is available here →