How to Uninstall DisplayLink Manager Software on macOS

Last Update: August 23rd, 2024
Article ID: 2790243

Here is a quick guide on uninstalling the DisplayLink Manager software on macOS. OS versions and the steps needed to uninstall may vary slightly, but largely should remain the same.

Step 1: Disconnect Dock or Adapter and Restart Your Computer

  • Disconnect your DisplayLink dock or adapter
  • Click on the Apple Menu in the top-left corner of your screen.
  • Select Restart from the dropdown menu.
If You Encounter Issues Closing DisplayLink Manager:
  • Open FinderGoUtilitiesActivity Monitor.
  • Scroll down and select DisplayLinkUserAgent from the list.
  • Click the button at the top of the screen to Stop the application (look for an octagon with an 'X' in the center).
  • If the uninstaller is not available, right-click DisplayLink Manager, select Send to Trash, and then empty your Trash. This will function as an uninstall of the software.

Step 3: Restart Your Computer Again

  • Once the software removal is complete, restart your computer once more by clicking on the Apple MenuRestart.

This should have removed the DisplayLink Manager from your Apple device. If you have any trouble with these steps, please feel free to reach out to us at