I don't have a disc drive. How can I install the Easy Computer Sync transfer software?

Last Update: July 27th, 2024
Article ID: 1046692

As technology improves, modern computers are typically getting slimmer and lighter which is great! But, the tradeoff often is a computer without a disc drive. So, how do you install the Bravura Easy Computer Sync software without a disc drive? Don't worry, we've got you covered!

Download Bravura Easy Computer Sync

The Bravura Easy Computer Sync software can be downloaded and installed without the need for a disc drive. Click button below to go to the driver page and download the latest software:

Bravura Easy Computer Sync 

After downloading, open the archive folder, and double-click the setup file to begin installing. Be sure to install the software on both computers to complete the connection.


NOTE - The software available for download is a newer version than the one on the disc. We'd suggest downloading and installing the newer software on both computers as it improves compatibility, and, running different versions will lead to connection issues. 

Installation Instructions

  1. Click Next, to continue
    Download Bravura Easy Computer Sync

  2. Now, you can view the License Agreement. Take some time to read it over, then, click I Agree, when you're ready to continue
    Download Bravura Easy Computer Sync

  3. Here you can choose the individual components of the installation and click next when you're ready to move on 
    Download Bravura Easy Computer Sync

  4. Click the button to Browse your computer, and pick the location to install the software. The default location is C:\Program Files (X86)Bravura\Easy Computer Sync\. Click Install, when you're ready to move on
    Download Bravura Easy Computer Sync

  5. Click Finish, when the installation is complete, and then restart your computer to finalize the installation
    Download Bravura Easy Computer Sync

We hope this was helpful! Feel free to reach out to us directly at: support@plugable.com if you have any further questions or concerns and we'll be glad to help you.