Some or all of the USB ports are not working on my Hub.

Last Update: July 27th, 2024
Article ID: 1355908

If your USB Hub is having issues with some USB ports not connecting to the host computer, there are a few steps that you should try to resolve this issue.

Full power cycle reset:

  1. Disconnect the power supply, USB Host cable, and all devices from the USB Hub.
  2. Leave the USB Hub disconnected for 30-60 seconds.
  3. Reconnect the USB Hub’s power first.
  4. Connect the USB into the host, then plug USB devices back into the hub.

If this issue persists, if possible we have a tool that automates collecting a set of log files from your system. You can go here download the PlugDebug tool and learn how to use it.

Ensure that you have the USB Hub connected to the computer when the PlugDebug application is run. Then send us a copy of the log files to